About Us
The Rocky Mountain Vascular Society draws members and attendees from across the US and Canada but it’s annual meeting always retains a regional feel, and is focused on improving the quality and practice of vascular surgery as a specialty in the Rocky Mountain region and beyond. Our annual meeting attendees prize the quality of discussion, and high level of 1:1 networking opportunities with both vascular professionals and industry, in a more intimate setting than other larger regional meetings.
Although vascular surgeons comprise most of our membership, we recognize other specialties (vascular medicine, interventional radiology, cardiology, etc.) and by inclusion, hope to promote and elevate the professional development of all qualified physicians who treat vascular disease.
Though our Annual Meeting will always be held in the Rocky Mountain region, we encourage membership and meeting participation to physicians and allied health professionals from across the U.S., Canada and internationally.
Join Us!
Rocky Mountain Vascular Society draws the membership of vascular surgeons, general surgeons working in the vascular field, and non-MD allied health professionals who are part of a vascular surgery team, from across the US and Canada. Members are elected annually. Elections take place at each yearly Annual Meeting.
Annual Meeting
45th Annual Meeting
July 9-12, 2025
Copper Mountain, CO
Is your company interested in supporting the Annual Meeting? Download the Exhibit Prospectus to see how you company can get involved.